The subject of religion is a complex subject within the dissident White community, and has historically been a point of unnecessary division that has worked to undermine our very survival as a race. Within the ranks of the Occidental Templars this cause for division is something that we have taken steps to eliminate entirely by accepting a monolithic religious third position, Aryanity. White survival is our main concern, hence White unity is our imperative, we are those who have had the courage to abandon our failed and obsolete religious institutions for a higher ideal, putting race first as the foundation of our religious beliefs and practice. We are not a secular nor atheist organization, on the contrary we are deeply religious, fanatically zealous, and theocratic.
We have realized through profound study and contemplation that racially aware white Aryans need a new religion for ALL Whites and ONLY for Whites. All other historic examples of Aryan religion, whether Pagan or Christian have been infiltrated, corrupted, and subverted in one way or another and do not serve our best interests as a race and have thus become obsolete. Likewise, our historical religious institutions were formed during bygone ages where White Aryans had not yet relearned our place in the world as uniquely adapted and separate from other hominid “races” and also as one Aryan race rather than a collection of separate ethnicities. The colonial period taught us that the lower Hominid forms are not capable nor worthy of coexisting within our civilization; proselytizing to them only undermines our own glorious history and destiny.
Aryanity views Aryan religion and mythos through a perennial lens, identifying the common archetypal metaphysics inherent ONLY in Aryan religion. Hence we refer to ourselves as “practicing Aryans”, as we see no difference between our race and our religion. Aryanity has identified and catalogued the key principals and aesthetics shared by ALL Aryan religion and has discarded the obsolete nuance that only serves to divide us as a race, therefor distilling Aryan religion into its pure form, what Aryanity calls the “Prisca Theologia” or Ancient Theology. This Ancient Theology is the quarry where our ancestors obtained the stone for our various religious institutions. We have taken this stone from our crumbling and ruined institutions and erected the first and only monolithic religion to serve as inspiration for a great Pan-Aryan Imperium. In this new celestial age we do not seek to resurrect some long dead tribal religion, nor reform a dying one whose time has come. We welcome the germination of a new sapling that is destined to one day be a mighty tree of life, rooted in the same ancient soil that sustained our people since time immemorial.
OMTO allows membership to all non-Jewish White Aryan man from any of the Aryan religious backgrounds listed below, who wish to learn about Aryanity and fight for their people’s survival as a race. The only requirements for beginning training is first: that the prospect believes in a higher power, second: that they are willing to swear an oath in the site of this higher power, third: that they exhibit a sincere desire to better themselves for their people’s sake, and forth: that they adhere to the traditional moral structure of Western Civilization, a moral structure recognized historically amongst Pagan and Christian alike with minor variations. Virtues such as Honor, Temperance, Humility, Respect, Duty, Wisdom, Fortitude, and Honesty are what we expect of all members regardless of past religious affiliation, and we will not tolerate any religious infighting amongst members or by our members against other racially aware Whites who have not yet embraced Aryanity.
Although we as Occidental Templars promote the new Doctrine of Aryanity, we do limit membership to White men who practiced or studied Aryan religions only. Within this category is a wide array of generally accepted religio-philosophical beliefs systems from mainstream forms of Christianity such as Protestantism or Catholicism, to less commonly understood forms of Christianity like Christian Identity, Orthodox, and Gnosticism. Outside of the Christian paradigm exists various forms of European Paganism though we do not have such a limited understanding to think that White Aryan history is confined to the European continent, thus we accept students of the Vedic traditions as well. Furthermore, the western mystery traditions such as Hermeticism and Alchemy, as well as more modern esoteric systems such as Theosophy and Ariosophy have an important role in the modern rebirth of White Aryan identity. Where we draw a sharp line is in people who are obsessed with the various forms of Satanism, Witchcraft, Cabalism, or any other form of Judaism as we feel these ideologies are foreign and run counter to our culture and goals, yet we encourage all of our members to educate themselves on comparative religion as well as speculative and demonstrative philosophies so as to better understand the world we live in, as well as to develop an understanding into the mentality of our enemies.
Here within the ranks of the Occidental Templars we feel that one’s relationship with the Divine is uniquely their own, yet we submit to the authority of the Aryan Church, and although our movement is decentralized we are united in fellowship as brethren of Aryanity. We realize that politics and religion are part and parcel, hence we serve as the unofficial political arm of the Church while leaving the Church to focus on the salvation of each individual Aryan soul lost or forgotten in a world increasingly hostile to Whites. We support and encourage our member’s to seek out, study, and explore the traditional religious and spiritual systems of our people while also affirming their identity as practicing Aryans. We feel that one thing that sets us as White Aryans apart from the rest of humankind is our history of “divinity based” religious systems (monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, panentheism, etc.), as opposed to the primitive animistic religions. The belief in a supreme being reinforces our personal adherence to the strict moral codes codified within these traditional systems. We believe that Western Civilization’s success historically was dependent on our individual accountability to deity in adhering to a culturally consistent code of conduct that has been expressed in the many religions of our people throughout our history.

We do not support Atheism, Nihilism, Humanism, or Materialism, as these system of thought gives way to hedonism, liberalism, anarchy, degeneracy, and decadence. Atheists do not feel that they are accountable to a higher power for their actions and have a tendency to justify obsessions with their baser, animalistic instincts, which we feel is destructive to a strong and healthy society. We believe that what sets Western civilization apart from the more savage primitive races is our ability to subdue our baser instincts in favor of reason and a higher code of conduct. Hence our primary requirement to join is that our members come from a religious background that expresses a belief in a higher power, or a divine source of creation, whether you once called this entity “God”, “Christ”, “Odin”,” Monad”, “Amen”, “Brahman”, etc. is unimportant, for we feel that the One True God is paradoxically both nameless and has many names. We believe that it is an essential part of a strong character to have an innate belief in and a connection to a higher power, which guides one’s decision making by reinforcing a strict moral code of conduct, and is something we feel is universal in all Aryan religions.
Yet despite our more open policy on religious background, one subject that we must make special mention of is the subject of Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish people in modern Judeo-Christianity. As Occidental Templars we feel that modern mainstream Christians have been misled through a false interpretation of doctrine, which breaks from nearly two millennia of tradition, due to widespread Jewish propaganda campaigns designed to manipulate Gentiles (White Christians) into holding a favorable view of occupied Palestine by the criminal state of Israel. This widespread propaganda campaign has led Gentiles ironically to hold a favorable view of Jews in general when Jews themselves for the most part are virulent “Loxists” (anti-Gentile). We see it as a state of unacceptable ignorance that Gentiles live life unaware of the virulent hatred toward them that the Jewish religion teaches its adherents, as well as the utter irony that Gentiles accept the Jews as “God’s chosen people” when they in fact killed Christ, and blaspheme his name in their most holy books, the Babylonian Talmud.
We recognize this Jewish subversion of Christianity as the death knell of Christendom, which has now permanently abandoned it’s White adherents to the ravages of cultural Marxism and Zionism, and is comprised of more non-Whites than Whites. We believe that Christianity was originally intended to be an explicitly White and intrinsically anti-Semitic religion, but that the institutions of Christianity have been irreversibly corrupted. Zionists and some Pagans argue that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, and is hence a Semitic religion. This is something we adamantly disagree with for many reasons, which are outlined in the works of Aryanity. There have been volumes upon volumes written on this subject that has disproven the notion that Christianity is a Semitic religion. We feel that Christendom is a cherished part of White history and culture, albeit sick and on its deathbed, to be remembered as one remembers a loved one who passed, with the memory of when they were healthy and strong. The Zionist propaganda campaigns in the 19th and 20th century that misled the majority of Christians into adopting a favorable view of the Jews is a poison there is no antidote for, this must be accepted.

The Jews have a long history of using subterfuge and propaganda to victimize Gentiles, who come from a culture that is intrinsically honest and altruistic. Evil cultures that thrive off of deceit like that of the Jews have taken great advantage of Western civilization’s almost pathological altruism to our detriment many times, but history teaches us that there was always a limit to our patience and kindness. Though it seems that Christendom no longer has the strength to defend itself from the evils of Jewry, hence this task must fall to a stronger, younger, and more resolute religion, a religion of the blood, Aryanity. We must always rebuke Zionism, and the Jewish culture in general. The Jewish race has committed the greatest crimes and frauds of any race in history, and without remorse, while simultaneously scapegoating other races by projecting their own cultural defects on others.
They are the true supremacists, the real bigots, a rootless international criminal syndicate bent on world domination. They have orchestrated genocides, defrauded nations, occupied governments, seized infrastructure, and made entire races into debt slaves through schemes of usury and corrosive socio-political movements such as Marxism and Zionism. Whenever their crimes have been discovered and they have been given due justice, they promote the false narrative of their eternal victimhood status, which has allowed them to exist above reproach, rendering factually correct criticism for their crimes largely ineffectual. They are the arch enemy of all humankind, but particularly Western civilization; therefor we explicitly rebuke both Zionists Christians and Jews. As Occidental Templars we feel it neccissary to make special mention of Christian Zionism in our religious statement because we feel that Jewish elites who have disproportionately occupied powerful positions in government, media, and finance, etc. , would not have any power at all if it were not for their obedient “Judeo-Christians”.
These “Christians” do their bidding in politics and in waging wars that do nothing to promote their own interests. There has been a small awakening within the Christian world concerning the subjects of Zionism and Jews, but this micro minority of traditional Christians is small in comparison to the mainstream Zionist movement in the churches, but many have not yet accepted that they are powerless against the poison of Zionism and Marxism in the churches which has caused a terminal illness to set in. Hence, we seek to accept Christians who have renounced any allegiance to Israel and the Jews as well as their allegiance to the occupied churches. As Occidental Templars we realize that we must provide a common ground to foster unity between the historically separate factions of White identitarians regardless of previous religious beliefs, and for many reason. Yet one reason stands out above all other reasons for this undeniable need.
Our race is dying!
The demographic shift in human populations during the later part of the 20th century has caused a situation where our race faces literal extinction. We believe we are in the midst of a carefully contrived and purposeful genocide designed by our ancient enemies whose decedents have come to occupy our institutions. They have been working toward reducing our populations and creating an environment in our lands where we will soon be hopelessly outnumbered by hostile races who have been indoctrinated from birth by media and their own culture to have an extreme hatred for Whites. All of our naïve efforts to promote the “civil rights” of minorities in our nations who once faced “discrimination” will not protect us when we become minorities in our own nations. This White minority status is rapidly approaching due to our drastically low birthrates coupled with the ever-increasing non-White “immigration”. At the turn of the 20th century Whites were estimated as being 30% of the global population. Now because of this assault on our immigration policies and a concerted effort by occupational governments through social programs designed to reduced White birthrate our global population percentage has reached less than 9%.
Whites are the world minority!
Likewise, in every traditionally White nation and only traditionally White nations we are suffering the indignity of becoming minorities in the nations our forefathers built. By 2045, every traditionally White nation will be minority White, except for very small nations such as Iceland, which is one of the last homogenous White nations in the world. This has not happened by accident. In Europe, Arabs and Negroes flood our Fatherlands as “refugees” from Jewish wars in the middle east and Africa. As they flood our ancestral lands they are preparing to subjugate and annihilate the indigenous Europeans to make Europe a Muslim Califate. In North America non-White “immigrations” by Mestizos from Mexico motivated by the “La Raza” ideology of “Reconquista” is radically transforming the United States. In Canada, Chinese “immigrations”, Many of which have been exposed as Chinese spies, have created a foothold for Communist China within North America. Furthermore, the American Black population has taken to the streets with regular race riots, mob violence, anti-White lynchings, and have even formed entire armies of armed black militiamen demanding reparations, and land. In Australia, the invasion is coming from Asia and Africa with the same false narrative of “immigration reform” and “refugee programs”. One must look no further than historical events in former White colonies like Haiti, Rhodesia, and South Africa to see what happens to Whites when they allow themselves become outnumbered by hostile races.
Whites get exterminated!

Even now in our so-called “modern” era, Whites in south Africa are being violently genocide by the Blacks that they allowed to come into their country. Once South Africa was only sparsely populated by a handful of primitive African tribes acclimated to the colder climate. It was perfect land for a White colony; as it grew and became wealthy, sub-Saharan Africans from the north took notice of this wealth and began to migrate with the promise of work in South African industries. Eventually the blacks came to outnumber the Whites, though a strict system of apartheid existed to keep the blacks from overtaking the White population in the country their forefathers built. A series of bloody revolutionary activity by Marxist Black radicals came to eliminate this apartheid system of segregation, which rapidly resulted in the White population losing control over their nation. Now South African Whites are regular victims of pogroms and massacres. Countless White South African farmers have been massacred at the hands of violent Blacks seeking to seize their lands. These massacres often take the form of grizzly mutilations, torture, and rape of the victims who range in age from babies and children to parents and the elderly. We now see a similar series of events that led to genocide in White colonies like Haiti, Rhodesia, and South Africa happening in North America, and Australia. We can no longer afford to fight amongst ourselves.
No more brother wars!
If religious ideologies or ethnic feuds are what is keeping us from unifying as a race for the purpose of our very survival then we must modify our perception of religion and culture. As a race we are witnessing our own genocide taking place. Our enemies don’t care if we are Pagan, Christian, or even is one has betrayed his race to join the enemy. All they care about is that we are White, they hate us regardless of our beliefs, simply because we are White. Non-Whites have been indoctrinated to believe that Whiteness in and of itself is something to be hated. The propaganda is so widespread that even other Whites have been relentlessly shamed into accepting their own vilification. If we allow things to continue as is with our population decline, being overtaken by non-Whites in our own lands, and the anti-White rhetoric that has become mainstream in Western society, by the end of the 21st century there won’t be any Whites left to argue over religion.
The only way to defend ourselves from these assaults is to unify what little population we have left who are racially conscious. The natural choice is to unify White identitarians from every religious background except those obsessed with unacceptable religions such as overt satanism and other forms of Jewish occultism. White solidarity is the most important aspect of our work as Occidental Templars, we seek to end the infighting amongst the separate factions of the pro-White movement, and to make White men realize how truly shameful it is to fight with your brothers over religious ideology at the expense of our very survival as a race! We believe if a White man cannot look back into history and fully appreciate the greatness of his ancestral heritage, both Pagan and Christian, then this man’s perception is corrupted and they are working against White interests rather than advocating for them. Let us join together as a single unified Aryan culture to wage war against our mutual enemies who wish to exterminate our great people from this earth.

War comes in many forms with many tactics, we must broaden our definition of war to fight the coming battle. Truly, Whites have been at war for centuries with the forces of darkness, we have repelled countless invasions from non-whites, from the Mongol hordes to the Arab califates. When one joins this movement, they join a war that has been raging unabated for centuries unbeknownst to the average person. The world wars of the 20th century were simply the largest battles of this war of the ages, and just because those battles were lost doesn’t mean the war is finished. The last world war never truly ended, it simply became a shadow war, which has now morphed into a fourth-generation conflict between multiple sides. Yet the final battle is approaching, we must be ready, we must be organized, and we must have solidarity of purpose.
We must unify the factions! We must embrace ARYANITY!!!
